Nov 17, 2022
As the marketplace becomes more saturated and competitive, direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketers are under an increased amount of pressure to prove the effectiveness of their campaigns – leaving them to explore new media channels to drive results for their brands and reach new audiences. David Zapletal, Chief Operating Officer, was featured in The Drum discussing the benefits of connected…
As the marketplace becomes more saturated and competitive, direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketers are under an increased amount of pressure to prove the effectiveness of their campaigns – leaving them to explore new media channels to drive results for their brands and reach new audiences.
David Zapletal, Chief Operating Officer, was featured in The Drum discussing the benefits of connected TV (CTV) as a new media channel for DTC brands to improve campaign performance. Here’s a look at what he shared:
Many of the reasons why DTCs are increasingly upping their CTV investments are straightforward—even intuitive. DTCs, from already doing so much business digitally, have access to the first-party data that enables efficient CTV targeting.
CTV is high-quality media, with low levels of fraud relative to many other digital channels and with 100% viewable inventory. They can use similar KPIs in CTV that they use in online campaigns – online conversions, site visits, and the like. And they can target very specifically, allowing them all the benefits of consumers’ engagement with the TV screen without dealing with the cost of reaching all viewers of a program via linear. DTCs are seeing the value of developing compelling creative for CTV and shifting spend to maximize their budget.
CTV allows marketers to define outcomes and choose a sophisticated attribution model – a custom attribution window allows brands to define their conversion window, methodology (for example, first- and last-touch, and more advanced methods like linear and time decay), and KPIs. From there, they can optimize towards the interactions that drive performance – and effectively measure real-world actions that were driven by the campaign.
When making a push into CTV, DTC marketers need to consider the metrics and outcomes that are important to them and understand where and how to get insights on those metrics and outcomes. CTV offers exceptionally broad insights to help meet DTC marketers’ unique goals. Impressions and video completion rates (VCR) don’t tell the whole story of a campaign. Marketers need to track user actions throughout the entire marketing funnel. CTV advanced reporting measures valuable bottom-funnel actions, including site visits, online purchases, in-store visits, app downloads, and more – not just brand lift and awareness.
CTV isn’t simply the next emerging channel for DTC marketers to explore—it’s a powerful channel that can drive performance metrics where previously “tried and true” channels aren’t cutting it and can inform cross-platform campaign optimization.
Whether you’re a DTC marketer just getting started in the CTV/OTT space or looking to take your current campaigns to the next level, Digital Remedy is here to help. Speak to a member of our team to learn more.
Check out the full article on The Drum, and be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter for the latest Digital Remedy updates.
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